Sunday 28 October 2012


by Dave Roberts

Until relatively recently the section of Warmingham Lane between Cross Lane and the Middlewich town boundary had a semi-rural aspect, consisting of fields with just a sprinkling of houses.
All that, of course, has changed and looks likely to change even more in the next few years.
Mike Jennings has sent us these photographs of Warmingham Lane taken just before the start of major housing developments, and he writes:

Hi Dave
Its been a while since I sent you anything so here are a couple of photos I took.
Time for a look at Cledford?
They came to mind as a further housing development is going ahead in Warmingham Lane, not without the usual protest I see! 

This is a photo of Hardman's Farmhouse after he sold the land for the present houses, again not without
protest then, as I remember.



Mike's referring here to the controversial plans for 350 more  houses  in the area.

Here's a link to the story in the

Facebook Feedback (9th May 2020)

Betty Williams Sunday afternoon walks along the lane, into Dragon's Lane to Tetton Bridge, back along the road to Cross Lane, sometimes treated to lemonade and crisps at the Kinderton. Or a bike ride into Warmingham and back as above to Cross Lane. Happy memories.

Jim Bradburn

I remember going down the bottom of my road cross lane & watching them take the first hedging out to get the groundwork machines in. Sad day.


· 5 h

Sarah Louise

This is quite depressing. I remember when it was all green fields as I grew up nearby

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