Monday 16 January 2017


The Way We Were: A MOM Night poster from the early 2000s

Dave Roberts writes...

These days you can't take a few steps in any town in the kingdom without stumbling across a pub featuring an 'Open Mike' night. Most pubs try the idea out at least once, with varying degrees of success. Middlewich, of course, is not immune to the Open Mike Night phenomenon ('Mike', by the way, is the correct form, rather than 'mic.' Mike is the accepted abbreviation for microphone in the music industry, whereas 'mic' is a technical abbreviation used by engineers), with practically every local hostelry having a go at one time or another.
Well, we were the first, in Middlewich at least, back in the early years of this century.
Middlewich Open Mike had its origins in the Salt Town Poets' 'Poetry & Pints' nights at the Kings Arms, the Newton Brewery, and - most enduringly - the Boar's Head.
We noticed that there was in increasing amount of musicians coming along to our P&P Nights and decided to formalise the situation and call the evening 'Middlewich Open Mike Night' or 'MOM Night' for short
Our MOM Nights were a great success over the years, running regularly on the third Wednesday of every month, with regular 'specials' for the Folk & Boat Festival and the FAB Festival.

And now here's news of a revival, for one night only, of those halcyon days, with the MOM Night Reunion!

Here's a word from none other than Professor Parsons....

Mike Parsons writes...

Dear all,

Having spoken with one or two who can remember the original 'Middlewich Open Mike (MOM)' Nights, we thought it would be nice to have a 'Celebratory Reunion' for old times' sake, in which we could get together as old friends and once again enjoy

sharing each other's company and music.

As a result of this idea, I am happy to inform you that on the evening of Wed. 18th. January the back room of the Boar's Head has been reserved for just such an occasion and you are all cordially invited to come along and help make it a really fun evening. If you could also please help to spread the word (as there are those for whom I do not have contact details), that would be great.

So, please do not be shy or slow to shake off those Winter blues; do not let modesty (or anything else for that
matter!) forbid. 

What else could rival the X Factor tour other than the combined billing of the likes of Andy (the Voice) Roscoe; Wolfy; John (Biker JC) Capper; The Legendary Dave Roberts; Davian Reel; Lake, etc. and our other renowned comrades who (with your help) we still need to trace and bring along on the night.

Old friends; new contemporaries, all welcome!

The evening will be hosted by Chris & The MGs.

See you on the 18th; hope you can make it!


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