Friday 9 March 2018


The second in this series of photos from Mike Jenning's Classic Collection shows another part of what is now Tesco's Car Park, its approximate location indicated, as on so many occasions in our Middlewich Diary, by the tower of St Michael & All Angels Church.
The building of Wallcroft Gardens, which runs down from Tesco's access road to Wheelock Street, along a narrow strip of land adjacent to Fountain Fields, has obscured the view of the church from some angles, but it's still visible if you stand in the right place.
The top part of that little strip of land, for those who don't know, was at one time a children's play area, complete with paddling pool.
This little bit of a former scruffy looking field, with its  long-gone industrial buildings, is now the preserve of motor cars and shopping trolleys.
And soon, if everything goes according to plan, it will all change again.
This picture could be slightly misleading, as it looks like it ought to be the bottom right-hand corner of the present Tesco car park (looking towards Wheelock Street).
Actually it's a few yards higher up, round about where the  wide car park becomes narrower, in front of the current store entrance.
The houses of Wallcroft Gardens would dominate the same shot today.
A recent 'field test' showed that, because of those new houses, the church tower can now only be seen from the upper part of the car park, alongside the store itself.


First published 16th March 2012
Re-formatted and re-published 9th March 2018


  1. Somewhere, I have a photo of that paddling pool(with me in it! LOL). I can dig it out for you, if you're interested :)

  2. Yes, Chris, we'd be delighted to see that photo. It's all part of the history of our town.

  3. Geraldine Williams17 March 2012 at 12:18

    I seem to remember that paddling pool having a lethal slippery surface. Do you Chris?

  4. I remember that park with the putting green on queen street. I can still picture the council workers who hired out the putters too, and, the smell of the old hut is still fresh in my nostrils.


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