Monday 24 October 2011


We hope you're enjoying our 'Middlewich Diary' and finding it entertaining and informative. Certainly more and more people are looking in each day. Sometime in the next week we will be reaching 10,000 page views since we started in June. Not exceptional for some professional blogs but quite remarkable for a specialist blog like this. Many thanks for your interest and please keep calling back. Better still, why not contribute?
We're always on the lookout for new material (see below for details). Remember that EVERY posting on 'A Middlewich Diary' is a 'work in progress' and can easily be altered and/or added to when new information comes to light. So if while browsing through our postings you come across something which you know to be wrong, or something you can give us extra information about, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through Facebook or by e-mail at  - Dave Roberts, Editor.

From time to time people ask us for information which we do our best to supply. If we can't, we do have the option of appealing for this information from our readers, and that is what this posting is all about. If you can help with any of the following, we'll be more than grateful:

SHOPS IN CLEDFORD - Do you have any memories of the shops in Cledford, particularly the small but very handy row of shops next to The Turnpike? Do you have photographs of any of these shops in days gone by? Someone has asked us about 'Pineapple Fair' (or was it 'Fayre'?). If you can help us with any information on this or any of the other shops in Cledford, please get in touch.

NEWTON HALL - Keith Bagnall was recently making enquiries about Newton Hall and its history and wanted to know, in particular, if there was ever a slaughterhouse on or near the site. We have a vague recollection of hearing that the buildings fronting onto St Ann's Road and along the right hand side of Hannah's Walk may have had some connection with this trade. If you can help with this query, please let us know.

NORMAN MACKLIN - Everybody remembers Norman. He was a familiar sight around the streets of Middlewich for many years. Did anyone take any photographs of him? Do you, like many others, have fond memories of this eccentric, intelligent and likeable local resident? We'd love to hear from you, as we're hoping to put together a well deserved tribute to Norman for the Middlewich Diary.

CAN YOU HELP? - Do you have old photographs, documants or memorabilia relating to Middlewich and its history, be it ancient or quite recent? If so, and you'd like us to feature it on 'A Middlewich Diary' please get in touch.
You can call us on 01606 833404 or e-mail us on
Or you can contact us through Facebook. Details are on the right hand side of this page.

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