Time has moved on four years since our last photo (see 'Middlewich Station 1968' - link
below), and this is the scene around MIddlewich Station in 1972. Mr Martin's coaches have taken over the goods yard (the firm claimed to be able to supply any type of vintage vehicle for film and TV productions), and the water tower has disappeared along with the steam trains (it would be 36 years before Middlewich saw another one). The edge of the station building can just be glimpsed on the left, now painted a rather fetching black and white, and on the right the signal box has acquired an adjacent equipment cabin in matching colours. Although Middlewich appeared to be something of a railway backwater it had, and still has, an elaborate signalling system associated with the 'Middlewich loop' which enables trains to pass each other in the town. And by the way, to the right of the goods shed is the Catholic
School and to the right of that, above the coaches, are the low grey roofs of new bungalows in Dane Street.
You can just make out the red and white MIDDLEWICH nameboard on the signalbox. This board has been preserved and is now in the safe keeping of the Middlewich Rail Link Campaign.
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