Friday 10 June 2011


Pool Head Farm, Kinderton Street. Home of the Moreton family and a lovely old building full to the brim with grandfather clocks and other ancient curiosities. If you want to picture exactly where this house was, stand on the front doorstep of The Boar's Head and look up the road to where the new houses have been built on the old station yard. Pool Head farmhouse was roughly in the middle of the road. The pool itself has also gone - filled in, flattened and built on. It once provided water to power the corn mill (now 'Town Bridge Motors') and was fed, via a little mill stream which also  supplied water to the water tower at Middlewich Station and then ran under King Street in a culvert. The pool drained into the River Croco. Behind the tree on the left, we can just make out the rear of a large billboard, companion to the one at the foot of the railway bridge.

(This is a slightly expanded version of the first of the 'Middlewich Collection' to be published on Facebook on 13th April 2011)

Here's how that entry looked:

Facebook Feedback (from original publication of this photo on the 13th April 2011:

Sherry Hill-Smith: Up the road? You mean the new houses on King Street, across from the Factory Outlet shop - or towards the Masonic Lodge, down that way? The houses across from the industrial estate where SpanSet sits?

Dave Roberts: Yes, looking up towards the junction of Kinderton and King Streets. Kinderton Street was a lot narrower then with a row of shops and houses across from the Boar's Head and on the land where the Factory Shop now stands

Stephen Dent: Very interesting. It's not quite in the position I thought it was.

Dave Roberts: Another way of looking at it is this: At the very end of King Street is a traffic island. The farmhouse was situated round about there.

Jonathan Williams: We lived in one of the houses on the same side of Kinderton Street as the Boar's Head, where the Factory Shop is. It stood right on the edge of Kinderton Street. Mum and Dad moved there when they married fifty years ago. We lived there until around 1967/8 when the chimney imploded and the houses were knocked down (I think) as part of the road-widening scheme. The parking area outside the Boar's Head is the original line of Kinderton Street.

Sherry Hill-Smith: Ahhh! I'm with you now!

Dave Roberts: Yes, sorry Sherry, that 'in the middle of the road' bit probably misled you. Jonathan - yes, I can remember there being houses on that side of Kinderton Street, including one very tall house with a flight of steps up to the front door.

Jonathan Williams: 'Our House, in the middle of Our Street...Madness, they call it Madness...!'

Geraldine Williams: (19th April 2011) That was probably ours, Dave. Number 18 was a 3-storey building and I understand it was used as a telephone exchange at some point. It adjoined what used to be Clewes' Bakery. The Jordan family lived there before us. We were re-housed in Alexandra Road as part of the road-widening plans.

    • .

This was the first of the 'Middlewich' collection of photos to be published on Facebook on 13th April 2011, and the first Middlewich Diary entry on the 10th June 2011 (revised and re-published 27th June 2011

1 comment:

  1. So sad that this beautiful farmhouse has gone. I spent many happy hours there - listening to records I had just bought in the town with the lovely (much missed - late) Kaye Moreton with whom of course I was in (undeclared) love! Like most of the young boys in Middlewhich I guess. She was one of the group who would come up to The Manor after Evensong on Sunday evening to listen to more music, play ping pong and watch TV. I beleive that in a game of Postman's Knock I did once kiss Kaye - and like to believe she kissed me back! But the Farmhouse was a wonderful warm home - welcoming and easy going. And looking at the photo now, you realise what a splendid building t was too


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